The Parish MagazineThe magazine is published
monthly and delivered free to subscribers in the Wallops, Palestine, Kentsboro and Jacks Bush.
New subscribers are welcome at any time and are charged pro rata to the end of the calendar year.
Over Wallop Village Shop
Pound Road,
Over Wallop, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 8JX Tel (01264) 783408 |
Wallops Good Neighbours
If you live in The Wallops, Palestine, Jacks Bush or Kentsboro, and you have no suitable transport available to attend medical or other urgent appointments, even essential shopping, we can help you.
Just Ring The Wallops Good Neighbours on 0800 612 7647 |
Wallop Parish Hall
The Over Wallop Parish Hall was completely refurbished using funding from the Big Lottery Fund and supported by both Hampshire County Council & Test Valley Borough Council.
For enquiries and bookings please contact: Alison Elliott - Booking Clerk 81 Pound road, Over Wallop Stockbridge, Hampshire SO20 8JU Tel: 01264 782412 Email: |
Wallop Artists
The Wallop Artists are a group of amateur and professional artists and craftspeople that meet in the Wallops in the Test Valley, though members come from many of the surrounding towns and villages. Whilst most members paint in a number of media, there are also sculptors, ceramicists, jewellers and others.
We hold evening demonstrations and all day workshops in the Wallops Parish Hall, a fortnightly Monday afternoon painting group in St Peter's church hall, Over Wallop, and outdoor painting groups in the summer months. We also have an annual exhibition in the Wallops Parish Hall in September each year. or Follow us on facebook. |
Wallops Womens Institute
British Legion